
We welcome you to explore and learn more about Montessori Habitat and our very special community of families.  We are delighted to set up a time to meet with you to learn about your family while you learn about us.  Please phone us at 217-366-3260 or reach out to us via the contact page to ask a question, arrange a meeting to tour the school, or to meet with our head of school, Julie Savignac.

Our admission process begins with a personalized and individualized parent meeting with our head of school.  Typically, the initial meeting is scheduled for about an hour and a half. This meeting is an opportunity to learn about our school, Montessori education and philosophy, and provides you with time and privacy to ask the questions you may have as you seek a school community for your child and your family.

Following this initial meeting, families may be invited to arrange a visit to observe in a classroom during the school day.

The third step in the admissions process is for the family to complete and submit an application for the appropriate classroom – primary, elementary, or middle school.

Birth to 3 years old:  Request your name be added to our wait list.

Primary Classroom (3 – 6 years of age):  Request the Family Application

Lower Elementary (6 – 9 years of age):  Request the Family Application

Upper Elementary (9 – 12 years of age):  Request the Family Application, Student Application and Teacher Recommendation Form

Middle Year Classroom (12 – 14 years of age):  Request the Family Application, Student Application, Student Interview, and Teacher Recommendation Form

We thank you for your interest in Montessori Habitat and look forward to the opportunity to serve your family.